Group Information

Kyowa Audit Corporation

Name Kyowa Audit Corporation (Kyowa Kansa Houjin in Japanese)
Address 101-0051
Kinmei Building, 3-23-2, Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
TEL: 81-3-6261-4171 / FAX: 81-3-3237-4171
Established August l982
Employees 20(Part-time-service employees are included)

Kyowa Tax Corporation

Name Kyowa Tax Corporation (Zeirishi Houjin Kyowa Kaikei Jimusho in Japanese)
Address 101-0051
Kinmei Building, 3-23-2, Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
TEL: 81-3-6261-4172 / FAX: 81-3-3237-4171
Founded April 1930
Established April 2002
Employees 15
Branch Office Kyowa Tax Corporation, Saitama Office
7-11-5 Kishimachi, Urawa-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, JAPAN
TEL: 81-48-767-5778 / FAX: 81-48-767-5779

History of the Group

April 1930 Motokazu Kurihara, accountant, established accounting firm in Nihonbashi, Tokyo
December 1949 Name of firm changed to Certified Public Accountant Motokazu Kurihara Firm
January 1970 With the retirement of Motokazu Kurihara, Masatoshi Takayama and Koukichi Hata took over operations and established CPA Partnership Takayama Hata & Co.
March 1975 Name of firm changed to CPA Kyowa Partnership Firm
August 1982 Established Kyowa Audit Corporation, separated audit department as approved by the Ministry of Finance. At the same time, name changed from CPA Kyowa Partnership Firm to CPA Kyowa Accounting Office
January 1994 Merged Sakamoto Accounting Office into CPA Kyowa Accounting Office
April 2002 With the revision of the tax accountant law, established Kyowa Tax Corporation and continued work of CPA Kyowa Accounting Office
April 2007 Merged Yamamoto Accounting Office into Kyowa Tax Corporation as its Saitama office

Message from Masashige Takayama, Representative Partner

The world is changing at an unprecedented speed. Foreseeing how the world will keep changing in the future may be difficult, but we need to respond quickly to any situation.

As specialists in accounting and taxes, we have been continually building our experience. We hope to contribute to your development and provide you with speedy, timely, and effective service by utilizing the wealth of information and hands-on experience we have accumulated.

We want to gain your trust in these uncertain times, and we want to overcome whatever confronts us together.

Representative Partner
Kyowa Audit Corporation, Kyowa Tax Corporation

< Profile >
Kyowa Audit Corporation, Kyowa Tax Corporation, Representative Partner
Former Rikkyo University Graduate School of Business Administration ,Professor
Served as Advisor in Cabinet Office, Government of Japan , etc.

Our Principles

We have an established professional service system managing various fields, and can handle the various needs of clients.

We value people


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